To do that you have to achieve better results than those around you and without 'over' achieving. Although, this last point is more a problem for older more mature employees.
Remember there is a tiger at the door; So you are in direct competition with everyone else in your company
Consider some simple techniques to help you get more recognition and better results for your efforts.
1) When the bell rings, come out fighting.
- Be the first to arrive and the last to leave.
- Be sure to be caught working all the time you are at work.
- Start the day with the most important, onerous or the most difficult tasks.
- Do not surf the Internet, make personal calls, read the newspaper or make small talk with the 'losers'.
- Check your list of activities for the day,
- Focus on establishing priorities and get on with it.
- Start knocking down those skittles!
2) Fill your day with achievements.
- Always be the one that contributes positively at meetings and in face-to-face interaction.
- Ask your boss and yourself, what you can do to provide the greatest contribution to the organisation.
- Let everyone know that you are willing to go the extra mile or kilometre.
- Do more than the basic minimum, more than you are paid to do.
- Be seen to be the one that puts in more effort than the others.
- Look for solutions, methods or tools that will allow you and therefore the organisation, to be more effective.
3) Set a scorching pace.
- Your career is not a quick sprint or dash across the hurdles.
- It is more enduring like a marathon:
- Some runners sprint off at the beginning and get out way ahead of the pack.
- Most will be happier running with the pack, safe in the middle, un-noticed, unseen
- There are many who are less fit and not really motivated. They are content to be in the race at all but they are clearly seen to be struggling and lagging behind the pack.
- Your place is up amongst the leaders, being in the right
place at the right time. Excel in hitting targets, achieving goals and milestones.
Take control of your life, your day and yourself. Start each working day with a list of planned activities carried over from the previous day. These will be organised by their priority, so you can address each task as the priorities dictate.
This is a life discipline not just an office routine and will make you more efficient, targetted and better directed as a person. This, in itself will make you stand out from the ambling, gasping crowd and when all around are losing their's, your career will soar.
If you are looking for promotion, assume the position
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