Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Thinking Positively

(1) Ability to Trust Your Potential

We are all unique in our own way, we each view and experience the world through our own lens. Ultimately what this means is that nobody can use your abilities the way you can. This is why it is so important to believe in yourself completely. We can read all the books, gain all the knowledge, mirror others achievements and look to others for guidance, but in the end, there is no other person on this planet who knows how to use your abilities quite like you can. We can no doubt learn from others but it is only when we are truly being ourselves that we become powerful. Trust in your abilities and trust that you are the only person alive who can use those abilities to their fullest potential.

(2) Choose Wisely

It’s not what society thinks about how you live your life that’s important, but it is paramount to your success as a human being to take a good long hard look at the way you see reality without the interference of the masses who have been brought up to fall in line and live their lives in accordance with a flawed system based on conformity. The most powerful thing you have at your disposal at any given time is the fact that you have the power to make your own decisions. The choices you make today will create the situations and circumstances you find yourself in tomorrow…choose wisely.

(3) Successful Thoughts

Education is paramount to success (whatever success means to you) but education is not preparation for life itself…life itself is education, and every single day you are being tested by the thoughts you choose to entertain or repeat. The educated mind is the one that can entertain a thought without accepting it. The only thoughts that play a leading role in your life are the ones you choose to accept as true. Negative thoughts, doubtful thoughts and any thoughts that limit your growth have no place in your mind, so it’s your job as the governor of your mind to banish these useless thoughts from the community you rule inside your head. Your thoughts only have the power you give to them.

(4) Accept “what is”

Be willing to abandon any resistance to what “IS” in this moment. Most often we get uptight and dwell upon situations out of our control when we should just “let it go”. You have no control over the long line at the grocery store, traffic jams, or other people’s behavior…stop arguing with reality, you will lose every single time. A negative reaction is to wish it weren’t so, a positive reaction is to accept it as so. We hear people complaining all the time about things out of their control, they complain about the weather, the economy etc, Believe it or not, this is a habit just like everything else. Next time you are faced with a situation that is unpleasant but out of your control, remember that “it is what it is” and any negative response on your part is an argument against reality, and an argument you can never win.

(5) Automatic thinking

What have you done today that sets it apart from yesterday, or the day before that. The biggest reasons why people do not achieve their goals is because they haven’t set any to begin with, or they repeat the thoughts and actions as the previous day, month, year or even decade. Start to make at least one significant change each day and over time the results will show. Keep on doing the same things and inevitably you will manifest the same results.

(6) Self image

We all have things we believe about ourselves. We may believe that we’re too small, too tall, we’re beautiful, we’re ugly, we’re too sensitive or even too brash. The person we see in the mirror is not who we truly are…the person we see when we look within is who we truly are. Whatever your self image is, stop labeling yourself and begin to work on accepting your beautiful self completely. Life is about self discovery and it can be an amazing journey. Why rip yourself off of an incredible adventure by wasting time focusing on limiting beliefs created by a doubtful mind. If you really want to change your life, never give up on yourself, fall in love with yourself, and know that you’re worth the effort.

(7) influence

Taking responsibility for your reactions each day is so important. It is “us” who give power to the people and events that influence our lives on a daily basis. How much power and influence we allow these people or things to have over us is purely down to how we react. The more negative our reaction when someone pushes our buttons, the more power we give to that person, thus, we are more influenced by the outer world. By controlling our reactions and not taking others emotional baggage (anger, jealousy, bitterness) as our own and reacting in kind, then the personal power lies within, and we are more influenced by our inner world.

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