With potentially costly legal claims by dismissed employees soaring, employers need to make sure their job reduction and elimination plans are substantiated.
Nothing in life is free. While companies are jumping to reduce head count because they see an opportunity to save money in the short term and a way of openly validating those savings i.e. the economy is sinking. Be aware, they should be prepared for the possibility of punitive legal actions against them by aggrieved workers, and they need to consider how they can underwrite the accompanying legal costs.
The number of litigation actions is rising in tandem with the pace of job reduction and eliminations. These cases are boom-time for the defense and employment lawyers. They're seeing a major spike in their business that will not abate anytime soon. Its an ill wind, that usually helps some lawyer or other.
The main categories of lawsuits are those in which employees claim their dismissal was discriminatory, usually based on age and those, which requires advance notice for mass layoffs and plant closings.
Attorneys advise that cautious planning when making layoffs will help avoid a trip to court. They suggest that when you do decide to commit your company to a layoff of any size, then take good advice and plenty of time to make sure it's done right.
The Finance Dept. and accountants may not be directly involved in executing layoff plans, but with the risk of a sizable legal judgment, it gives them plenty of reason to stay involved. If only to satisfy themselves that the plan is legally and therefore, financially sound.
The first step in any staff reduction exercise, should be creating a detailed business plan that explains the need. Included in this will be;

- what facilities or businesses will be affected,
- the number of positions affected,
- what type of positions will be lost (What effect will this have on the future business)
- when the layoffs will occur, and
- how they will be announced,
Juries will side with the employees when the employer doesn't have adequate documentation. Internally everyone is in such an emotional and stress driven crisis mode when they're involved in workforce reductions. Therefore, things that they may think are obvious to the world, are not. It pays to get an objective, knowledgeable view on these things.
The potential for discrimination lawsuits makes it essential that employers create an objective selection process for deciding which employees to let go. If 25 workers are dismissed and 20 of them, say, are over age 50, the chances of a lawsuit will rise dramatically. Its not to say don't do it its just to say, be prepared to defend your decision in court.
Is you wish to be seen to be logical and fair about the selection process, then some lawyers suggest that executives create a list or matrix of criteria for evaluating employees. This can include;

- years of service,
- qualifications,
- experience in the field,
- job performance,
- team working ability,
- disciplinary history.
To avoid subjective bias and statistical anomalies, companies should consider hiring a statistician to objectively evaluate the layoff selection criteria and ensure that none of them is in itself discriminatory.
It may prove difficult to avoid exceptions to the process. For example, a job-performance measure may take into account employees' past three annual reviews, but some people will have been hired more recently. Diligently document and explain in detail any reason for deviation or breaking from the official process.
But even a thoroughly objective selection process, while defensible in court, is no guarantee a lawsuit won't be filed. As a further safeguard, companies should conduct an impact analysis of how layoff decisions will affect the makeup of each protected class of employees. If a protected group is disproportionately affected, the plan will look discriminating and the company may want to alter it accordingly.

By saying, 'This isn't your fault, this is our fault,' you will be falling on your own sword." The employee can easily use such a loose statement against the company in court.
Watch out for a rise in the number of whistleblower cases coming from former employees. As more and more people get terminated, there's going to be more and more litigation and cries of protest.
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