The current credit slump and downturn gives companies an excellent excuse for demanding that customers share more financial information with them. This is not for the direct benefit of the customer but to keep on top of the clients' ability to pay and stay viable. You don't want the stream to dry up.
The distinction between dependable and unreliable customers has never been distinct and now it is even less so.
Corporate clients that are paying you on time may in fact be financially unstable and maintaining a good public image, could be delaying payments to other trade creditors. Should you be concerned?
At the same time, some customers may be withholding their payments, not because they're in dire straits, but because their banks is shortening their normal credit lines. More worrying is, if they are not willing to lend to them at all, in the near future.
Indeed, some companies want their suppliers to practically fill in as bankers, by extending payment terms and giving their working capital some room. Ifcustomers are asking their vendors to provide cash flow for them, then this is a very uneasy situation. If you have somebody who was once paying you every 30 days and is now paying you every 60 days, your own credit exposure is going to double. You have to evaluate if you want to take that kind of risk, at this time, with this customer.

It's never been an easy task especially now. Companies need to get a better handle on their corporate customers' ability to pay. Nearly one-quarter of publicly traded businesses worldwide are at risk of defaulting on their debt, according to some recent indexes of "troubled" public companies, whose default probability exceeds 1 percent. During the past 17 months, their risk-management firm's monthly barometer of 21,000 public companies in 30 countries has been creeping closer to the September 2001 all-time high of 28 percent.
What's less-known is how many private companies are at risk of defaulting on their promises to creditors. They tend to keep their vendors in the dark about even basic financial information. Their suppliers are sometimes stuck, relying on only basic bank information.
Of course, the rising number of hurting companies isn't news to accounts-receivables departments that have been well aware of their corporate clients' slipping ability to pay for several months. But there have been some surprises: Now, even customers once considered to be "excellent payers" are taking an extra month or more to pay their bills but then maybe their just taking advantage of your loose credit checks, risk profiling and accounting practices.

In fact, the trade group's latest monthly barometer of its members hit a record low of 40.1 in December. The survey asks 800 credit managers to rate favourable and unfavourable factors in their business cycle (unfavourable factors include rejections of credit applications, monetary unit {cash in} collections, and amount of credit extended). All those factors declined between December 2007 and December 2008.
The overall problem is, suppliers, especially small businesses need to tread carefully before pressing clients to pay up. Every company wants to keep their most valuable customers and not lose them to disagreements or hurt feelings over payment terms. The vendor-customer relationship is symbiotic, very personal and emotional.
However, no company wants to get burned by being too nice and seeing old invoices pile up or payments seized after a customer goes belly up. Trade-credit experts say that by the time you notice a customer is on the brink of insolvency, it's unlikely you'll get all the money that's due to you. So do your homework. Analyse your clients' risk profiles and get on top of your riskie

In particular, trade creditors want to avoid having to return payments received within the 90 days before a customer files for bankruptcy. Bankrupt companies can sue for those payments up to two years after they've entered bankruptcy court. So, if a company suspects a client is close to going under, the company can demand cash on delivery, payment in advance of a shipment, or a letter of credit. All of which are methods of payment that are not subject to preference claims.
Another way to avoid unexpected losses: Ask bankrupt customers to add your company to their critical vendor list. Depending on the bankruptcy judge's ruling, this group of vendors may be paid immediately over other suppliers if the debtor can show that the vendors' products or services are crucial to the company's survival and turnaround efforts. At this point the ship is on the rocks and you may just be looking around for flotsam to cling.
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