Exploiters exploited, consumers consumed, by their own self centred greed, how ironic!
Capitalism, Monetarism and Consumerism drives global warming, ecological exploitation, the destruction of habitats and cultural diversity and its other bi-product the imposition of overwhelming poverty, wherever it goes.
It is a predictable but fickle beast that positively imposes a minimum wage policy wherever it goes whilst threatening to withdraw employment entirely, all in the name of 'monetary profit' and gain. It is a simple inverse proportionate equation; a huge loss for many results in, or is equal to, a huge gain for very small group of the privileged few.
Reagan and Thatcher styled economics, was never intended to be the answer for sustaining the populus of the World, let's not keep making or defending this grave mistake, over and over again.
These people are not your friends, in any way. Simply ask yourself the question; 'Who gains from this?' and 'When I put my hand in my pocket and take it out again, what have I gained?' Just think about it.
(Image: Rex Features)
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