California's Unemployment Rate Reaches Highest Point Since 1940 - NYTimes.com
California’s unemployment rate in August hit its highest point in nearly 70 years, starkly underscoring how the nation’s incipient economic recovery continues to elude millions of Americans looking for work.
While job losses continue to fall, the state's new unemployment rate — 12.2 percent, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics - is far above the national average of 9.7 percent and places California, the nation's most-populous state, fourth behind Michigan, Nevada and Rhode Island.
Statistics kept by the state show California's unemployment rate was 14.7 percent in 1940, said Kevin Callori, a spokesman for the California Employment Development Department.While California has convulsed under the same blows as the rest of the country over the last two years, its exposure to both the foreclosure crisis and the slowdown in construction - an industry that has fueled growth in much of the state over the last decade - has been outsized.
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